Today I am 9 weeks 5 days pregnant. The morning sickness has surpassed and a cold/cough has taken its place. Although it completely has me drained of energy, I would much rather feel this way than the way I was several weeks ago. Todd and I have been talking about home revisions we might like to make before the baby comes. We are thinking of putting hardwood floors throughout the house, and in the baby room, Chloe has destroyed our carpet, and we are planning on replacing it before we rent out and move anyway. We went to Home Depot today and I took some paint samples with a baby girl in mind:) My feelings are starting to sway towards a girl now:)
This weekend I feel like my belly has really started to 'stick out' Todd took my first 'belly picture' and after looking at it I don't think I realized how much my stomach has changed over the weeks. My Mom and I went to the Supermall this weekend and the Carter's outlet is AMAZING! I can't wait to find out what we are having because we will be going crazy in that store.
This weather has got me very excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas, oh and my 25th Birthday:) I made my first batch of Chex Mix and it filled the house with that familiar smell that I look forward too every season. Lately my friends have been a HUGE support and blessing. All the phone calls, cards and emails are so encouraging and I am excited for our 3rd annual ornament exchange!:) Hard to believe we have all been friends since Kindergarten, they are some of the best people I know.
I am fully enjoying being pregnant and I am welcoming all the aches, pains, odd smells, cravings and waves of nasuea with open arms. I am blessed and not taking it for granted for a second.
Park City Utah
2 years ago