Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our little pebble

So two months ago Todd and I decided that we would go off birth control and let nature take its course. If it was in God's plan for us to have a baby, we trusted that His timing was perfect! Well it only took two months of no birth control and now we are excited to say that we are expecting our first baby! It still seems weird to say that we are expecting a baby, a real life, breathing baby! This past week I had been feeling very sick, I have not actually thrown up, but just felt had a lot of cramping and bloating. So after about a week of feeling that way, I told Todd we should stop at Rite Aid and pick up a pregnancy test. As soon as we got home I took it and in no time I saw 2 pink lines! I ran out of the bathroom yelled "OH MY GOSH!" and showed Todd the test, we were both stunned and had no idea what to do next, we just kind of stood there in the kitchen, hugging and crying and I kept repeating "OH MY GOSH!"
I always told myself I would want to wait to tell family until I saw the Dr. and made sure everything was good, but the feeling of knowing I was pregnant was way too overwhelming to just keep to myself, so the first thing we wanted to do was to tell our family. We called all of our close family relatives and told both our parents over web cam. We really have no clue what to expect or where to go from here, other than the Dr. but we are extremely excited!
Our expected due date as of now is April 26th, which I am really happy about, I did not want to be pregnant through the summertime. And now I get to be pregnant on my 25th Birthday:) We are looking forward to the next 9 months as we tackle everything that pregnancy brings your way. I already am reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and am learning a ton!!
We will both try to keep our blog updated since we have family spread out all over the state and country:) We are open to lots of advice and suggestions on what we can expect!


Dr. Glenn E. Malone said...

I'm glad you told us...God is so good!

Ta Ta

Amie said...

I am so glad you are keeping a blog, I love these! My friend Stephanie did this while pregnant and continues now while her little girl grows. I love the opportunity to keep reading up on the little stuff that makes people smile :)

Congrats again from the Bakers!!!

Amie said...

Oh- and I love your blog title! PERFECT!

I guess when we are expecting one day, God willing, I could name ours, "Bakers with a bun in the oven!" Ha! Don't let me forget that because these bakers are a long way out.