Emily's 4 month stats:
16 lbs.
25 3/4 inches long
My baby is growing so fast! She has started scooting across the floor...talking all the time...laughing all the time...smiling and enjoying grabbing everything in sight and putting it directly in her mouth! Oh how I have enjoyed these past 4 months, being able to watch my little girl grow, develop her adorable personality and make my heart melt every single day. We had a great time at Long Beach, Emily loved being on the windy shores of the Pacific Ocean. Emily is now wearing 6-9 month clothes!! WOW!! We are excited for Fall and the Holidays that are quickly approaching! Looking forward to creating our family traditions with Emily and spending some quality time with one another.
As for us moving back to Puyallup, that is still in the works. Looking to renting out our condo after the first of the year and still looking for that perfect home for our little family. I can't wait to be closer to everything and everyone!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
1 comment:
It amazes me how much Emily learns in a single day! Just when you say, "I wonder when..." the next day she is doing it! I am so very proud of you and Todd in your parenting of Emily. She is a true reflection of your love for each other and for her. I am glad you are keeping up with the post, it will be a perfect diary for Emily when she is older!
Love and Kisses,
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