Friday, September 19, 2008

Appointment #1

Today was the much anticipated first appointment! My office calls it the "Nurse Intake" basically the nurse takes you into an orientation room and you talk about all your questions and she gives you tons of information and goodies! I told her about my irregular periods and how I wasn't sure if the estimated due date was very accurate so she looked at my calendar where I had kept track of everything and said it would be best if we just schedule an ultrasound next week so we can see how far along the baby is! So a week from today we will have our first ultra sound! YAY! Then a week after that is my first exam and hopefully if I am far enough along they will be able to hear baby's heartbeat.
After my orientation I asked if they confirm the pregnancy there, she said they could if I wanted them too, and I said YES! I am addicted to pregnancy tests and I just need one from the Dr. to ease my mind! It turned positive before the test was even completed, she laughed and said " Do you want to keep this one?" I said yes:) After that I went to the lab to get blood work done, not my favorite, they had to draw a lot of blood and I almost fainted, but luckily I was in a reclined cushioned chair...:) I am so excited for next week and I have such a peace in my heart now.
Todd thinks it is a boy and I am beginning to think the same, but some days it changes. All the ladies at the school think it's a girl:) So far we have a few names picked out, but I think we will keep that private for now:) We don't want anyone's opinion to sway our decision:)
I am feeling really good, slightly nauseous mostly in the mornings into the afternoon, lots of bathroom breaks and lots of sleep. Todd and I are trying to go on walks and hikes as much as possible so I can keep as much weight off as possible, so far I have only gained 1 pound. :)


Tami said...

I can't wait until your next appt. I am proud of you that you didn't faint when they took your blood. Your dad had his blood taken on Thurs.....yikes....need I say more?

Dr. Glenn E. Malone said...

Great report...I'm getting very excited to meet this little one!

Grand Pappy "G"

Tammy said...

I'd say you have a 50/50 chance of it being either a boy or a girl. Oh and I like all of the names in the voting thing. :)